Road Paving to Begin Tuesday, Sept. 1

All necessary vehicles on Bluebird Drive and the east side of Robin Circle must be moved by 7am Tuesday September 1st. Park along Rood Bridge Drive. Driving access will only be allowed during phase 1 on the south and west sides of Robin Circle and can only exit through the Rood Bridge Townhouse neighborhood.

It’s very important to follow road closure signs or cones blocking use during this project to protect your investment in our road. Thank you for your patience.

Annual Meeting – August 11, 2020

The Robin Meadows HOA annual owners meeting will be Tuesday, August 11, at 7:00pm in the central common area. Sign in will be at 6:45pm.

The main agenda item will be election to two open director positions. A short Board meeting may be held after the annual meeting to select officers.

Please bring a chair; water and soda will be provided.

Social distancing guidelines must be followed; owners are asked to keep 6-feet apart and wear a mask if spacing can’t be maintained.

Meeting is subject to cancellation if state guidance changes.

For Sale Signs

An Owner may erect one (1) sign not exceeding two (2) feet by three (3) feet in dimension, fastened only to a stake in the ground and extending not more than three (3) feet above the surface of the ground advertising the property for sale.